In the market for your first home? Don’t know what steps to take to secure your first home? KNG Financial Services will guide you through the steps and assist you in reaching your goal.

Below are a few key pieces of advice to help you get on your way to buying your first home;

Don’t be blindsided
The most common thing we see with first home buyers is unexpected and overlooked expenses. Make sure you add in the cost of extra fees to your budget. Extra fee’s may include strata fees, stamp duty, pest and land inspections, legal fees and hidden loan fees.

Budgeting won’t stop after you’ve purchased your first home. Remember that on top of the repayments, when you buy a home you will also have ongoing costs like land and water rates, home and contents insurance, renovations and furniture, and repairs to put in your budget.

Don’t hurt your future!
Many first home buyers find the process of buying a home stressful and often turn to bigger lenders for a loan, however it’s not always the right option.

This is where KNG Financial Services can help you. With access to hundreds of loans from over 40 lenders, we have the ability to choose the right home loan option that suits you.

Our specialists will guide you through the steps of choosing the right home loan, to applying and getting approved, making the process of buying your first home less stressful.

If you have any more questions about finding the right home loan or getting approved, then contact our team today.

Having trouble budgeting? Read our Budgeting and planning tips here.


Contact us today!